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: 2001


: info@advernation.com


: http://advernation.com/


: 1271 Avenue of the Americas #4300


: New York City


: New York


: United States

Description :

We are your one stop social media agency shop and we provide a wide array of social media optimization services in NYC and throughout the world. We develop, maintain and engage customers that are interested in your product, that are repeat customers or someone that is interested in your product a fun, engaging way of getting them to add you, like you or follow your blog.

We have been developing a system that have the best results in getting these potential clients and turning them into customers. We totally get this and understand the need for social media optimization 110% We develop your facebook page, your twitter, custom blog and get it the attention is deserves to get people talking, coming back, and buying or hiring your services.

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